About ECLS

Welcome, to East Coast Llewellin Setters, home of some of the Finest, Authentic Llewellin Setters available! Located in Chesapeake, Virginia. All of our dogs are DNA tested and registered with the Field Dog Stud Book. Their documented Lineage is exceptional, going back to the 1800’s, that include; Count Wind’em (DOB 1877) who sired the famous Count Noble (DOB 1879). Dashing Bondhu, Count Gladstone, Scinn Amach, Machad Ambassador, Concurragh, Royacelle, Blizzard, Irish King Bondhu Ashly, who sired Henry Prince of Pause (“Hank” from the TV series “Hunting with Hank”).

We administer, a Selective Breeding Program, keeping our litters to 1 or 2 per year, with the Sole Purpose of keeping their Superior Lines intact, breeding for conformity, and disposition. We breed only the best Sires & Dams.
We operate a relatively small breeding program, which gives us the opportunity to enjoy and work with all our dogs individually. Our Llewellin Setters are part of our family, not solely kept for breeding purposes, thus we want the best homes for our pups. We provide a very loving environment for all our dogs, with lots of interaction, travel and field time. Llewellin Setters are an exceptional Foot Hunting Gun Dog, with a Superior natural ability in the field. They are highly intelligent, have a very loving temperament, and easily trained. Truly, a perfect companion!
Ty and Pam have over 35 years experience with Llewellin Setters. Ty, who is originally from New England, retired here in Virginia after a career as a Navy Deep Sea Diver. While in Virginia, Ty met his wife Pam. Pam, a native of Virginia is a retired Police Officer. Both have a love for dogs and devote their lives fully to their Llewellin Setters. About 35 years ago, Pam acquired two Llewellin Setters, “Mike and Maggie”. A close bond was established for 16 1/2 years until Mike passed away. Pam and Ty extensively, researched Llewellin Setters of the finest lines. Their quest ended in Saegertown, PA. where Keith and Tessa Smith owned and operated Lynnhill Llewellin Setters. Keith, a world renowned authority on Llewellin Setters and his wife Tessa have over 50 years experience breeding, training and preserving true bloodlines of Llewellin Setters. www.lynnhillsetters.com There, they purchased their “Foundation Dogs”, from the finest bloodlines available in the USA! Pam and Ty strictly adhere to the breeding practices of Keith Smith and thoroughly enjoy getting an excellent puppy to a good home.

It’s our priority that our pups go to good homes. We guarantee a healthy pup, that doesn’t exhibit signs of any infectious or contagious disease, free of any clinical illness, or parasitic infestation. We provide a Health Record of all vaccinations administered. To insure your pup is worm free, scheduled treatments of Pyrantel Pamoate are administered. We provide with no additional cost, the removal of their Dew Claws, this is preformed by a licensed Veterinarian. This procedure prevents the possibility of a painful injury to your dog, catching and tearing the Dew Claw in the field. Litter Registration with the Field Dog Stud Book will be provided to you, usually within 30 days of purchase. All of our puppies are $1,500 regardless of sex. $200.00 is required to reserve a puppy, which is fully refundable up to 3 weeks of age after whelping.
At 8 weeks of age your puppy will be ready to go home with you. Before then, our Pups experience a Loving, Exciting environment: from the moment their eyes open (about 10 days), they experience a tremendous amount of loving hands-on interaction by us, day and night. The Pups are indoctrinated to a “Wing”, introduced to our adult Llewellin Setters, and daily have fun/stimulating experiences, both outdoors and inside. All the loving interaction Pam and I dedicate to the Pups, has a very positive outcome: At 8 weeks of age, we have some very Happy, Healthy, Energetic Pups ready to go to excellent homes! If possible, it is best to have two people in your vehicle for the ride home. It often works best if the passenger hold the puppy in his/her lap with a towel underneath. Bring a crate in the event you have to make a short rest stop and have to leave your puppy. Also, bring some water and a small bowel.

Take your puppy to your veterinarian within the first week to schedule any vaccination boosters, establish a heart worm program and any other inoculations he/she advises. Until your new Puppy is full vaccinated, we strongly recommend avoiding “Puppy Day Care, Dog Parks, even the grassy areas outside of Veterinarian Clinics. These places can harbor contagious disease’s, which can be a real danger to a Puppy who is not fully vaccinated! Arrangements can be made to Air-Ship your Puppy. Once you have your puppy home, you can start gently training your puppy. Get your puppy used to a lead/leash by taking him for walks frequently. Work on the basics; Stay, whoa, come, heel commands. Socialize your puppy, take him with you for a drive or routine errands. Interacting with your pup, establishes a close bond. When you are away from home do not let your puppy have free roam of your house. Basic obedience training is a starting point and essential in the development of your Llewellin Setter Pup. They are intelligent, respond best to a soft hand approach. Remember, when you get your new puppy home, “They are a Puppy”, they have a lot of energy, yes they may get into some mischief, probably enough that you can look back and smile about.

Feed your puppy high quality puppy food, that is designed for this growth period. Llewellin Setters are an extremely athletic dog which require the nutrients found in Puppy food up until 18 months of age. We feed our dogs Purina Pro Plan Puppy Food. If you use a different brand, make sure it is a quality product. One or two cups in the morning and evening, moisten with a little warm water. You may leave a little dry food for the puppy to snack on during the day. Always have plenty of clean fresh water available.
We do not offer training but highly recommend the following for top notch training:
www.llewellinkennels.com Dr. Phil Fortner, located in Trenton, TN. His training is done with a Soft voice- Gentle
touch- No harsh treatment. Specializing in Llewellin Setters.
www.ronniesmithkennels.com Ronnie & Susanna and Rick Smith conduct foundation, intermediate and advanced training seminars across the United States. The Smith’s have over 50 years of experiance and have perfected the art of Bird Dog Training.

www.masondixonoutfitters.com Located in Pylesville, MD. Masondixon farms has over 300 acres of mixed terrain. They offer hunts and membership to access their facility to field train your dog with birds. A very friendly environment with a staff with a deep knowledge base in field dog training. E-mail contact is [email protected].